The fight to unload a few items in exchange for a few dollars has re-commenced on craiglist. We sold the microwave last night to a nice family who, emailed, called, and then acutally showed up with money and bought the thing! From craigslist! Amazing, right? I know! So my marketing and haggling ego has been restored... now, who wants to buy my
fridge? Or my
washer, or my dryer? Or my
So, who is having fun with politics? I know I am. I decided I was going to watch all the debates and be really engaged with the whole process, even though I decided who I would vote for as soon as John picked a Canadian as his running mate. Then it turned out that all the really good stuff was happening on Saturday Night Live. Spot on impersonations, spot on hilarity, so we started watching what we had previsouly sworn off as a lost cause. Record, watch, delete, record watch, delete... hey wait a minute, eveyone is just posting the choicest bits from on facebook... so now we don't even have to do that. Check out, it's pretty great.
Meanwhile, the job hunt continues. I talked to some folks at last week about a temporary position but that didn't go anywhere due to being a bit overqualified. This week I'm talking to
Telegent Systems and
Sybase. The job market it pretty intense right now, I had one recruiter tell me they were looking at 100 resumes for the position and half of them were from mortgage/real estate/financial people... ugh.